Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Adjourning Phase...Part 2

This semester has probably been the hardest that I have experienced on my Walden journey. While the course subject matter was of great interest to me, personally and professionally it has been a busy and hectic 8 weeks.

Through it all, however, I have felt supported and challenged by my colleagues in Group 2. Each of you have made me pause, think, and have challenged me with your thoughts and insight. I appreciate that so much.

Doing online coursework is hard, because we are each doing a high wire balancing act, we also miss out on the face to face contact you get from attending class each week in a real classroom, however I wouldn't give up this experience with you all for a second. I appreciate getting to know you through your posts and blogs, and seeing a bit of each of your personalities through your writing.

Thank you for being great classmates, and I look forward to the next chapter in our books!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Adjourning Phase

Leaving a group at the end of a project can be the best, and sometimes the worst part of working in collaboration. When a group is truly functioning at its best it is often hard to leave, when a group is dysfunctional it is sometimes easy to walk away.

One group situation that I have experienced that was particularly hard to leave was my last work situation. After being there for 7 years I truly felt that we were a solid team. There were moments when it felt like the absolute best environment and we functioned as one. When I chose to leave it was time to start the adjourning phase of this group of strong teachers and leaders. We had meetings, both formal work inspired and after work events, this helped to ease the transition with the teachers, as well as myself.

I think that high performing groups are very hard to leave, whereas a group that is just barely getting by is very easy to leave in the dust. However, whether it be easy or hard to leave the adjourning phase, where you ask for feedback, say goodbye and pass on information is so essential because it gives you a sense of closure and completion.

As some of us are only a few months away from the adjourning phase with this cohort of colleagues I think it will be important for us each to reflect on the time we had together, and spend time congratulating each other on our hard work. I think it will also be important to figure out how we can stay in touch to help each other as we continue on in our careers.